Month: June 2014

Aimless Details

In subsequent practice, men have forgotten our particulars, but recoridaran, unconscious by a common sense, how to apply the very beginning to the immediate circumstances. Learning is useless has-ta be lost textbooks, burned noites taken and forgotten the minutiae which meimoria learned for exams. That which, as details needed continuously, remain fixed in memory as evident, as the sun and moon, and what is needed only chance may be bus-carlo in any reference work. The role of universities is to train the learner deshaicerse details for the benefit of the principles. When I speak of principles, I mean not even a verbal formulations.

A principle that we completely soaked is more a mental habit than a formal statement. It becomes the way the mind reacts to appropriate stimulus forima illustrative circumstances. Nobody gives preisentes rodeos if you have knowledge in a clear and conscious. Mental culture is just as satisfactory to be funcioinar mind when its activity is stimulated. Often we speak of learning as if we were watching the open pages of every book we read, and then, when the opportunity arises, we choose the page relevant for reading aloud to universoa . a Me was very impressed pensamienito paralysis induced in pupils by the aimless accumulation of precise coinocimientos, inert and useless. The prin-cipal purpose of a university professor should be shown in its true cairacter, that is, as an ignorant man thinks, actively utiiliza that small portion of knowledge. In a sense, knowledge decreases with increasing wisdom, since the details are absorbed by the principles.

Site Construction

Russian bath – it's not only great fun and a great opportunity to relax, but also an excellent means of recovery. Body during bathing cleared produces adrenaline, strengthens the immune system. Except addition, the bath very uplifting. Many familiar coming after this wonderful sense of renewal procedures and how the world seemed to be painted with new, bright colors. So why not make the bath was weekly ritual? And if you have all the necessary conditions to build a bath on its own site, then it would be foolish not to do it.

Choose a location make this decision, we must first decide on a place. Ideally put her on the riverbank. Just not very close to the water, and at some distance to the spring flooding has not occurred. If you can not build a bathhouse near the lake, then on the site next to it is to install a pool. More one point in deciding where is the problem of waste water – if the room will be standing on a small hill, it is much easier to solve – for sewer tray in this case, the minimum burial depth is sufficient.

Bath to provide guidance with respect to the cardinal directions. Doors are usually made to the south, and the window – on the western side – in the evening sun will illuminate the room as far as weather conditions permit. With respect to bath sizes, they are set on the basis that soared to a few people.


He is fantastic evolving of the technology and what this can do nowadays by the companies. He is transcendental to make new forms of marketing, ways that promote the high impact in the consumers and who the money is reversed in this type of techniques. These new technologies of communication have allowed to interact to companies with clients and prospectuses interested in an individual niche, an interchange of ideas by means of the electronic mail. Definitively the motor of the economy of the companies is their clients. Without clients there are no businesses, there is no money, there is no life.

Exactly that same passage in the businesses in Internet, the life this in the clients and the prospectuses. The prospectuses arrive at our businesses looking for key words in google related to which we do: for example if they are looking for a diet to lower of weight and our page contain information related to those thematic visitors will be interested in which we offer to him. Nevertheless it is necessary to catch them by means of a form of voluntary subscription. If for example we have 100 daily visits a our Web and at least 5 people visit the site, multiplying 5365=1825 at the end of the year we will have 1825 people whom at some time they bought what we offer to them. Imaginate that in the future nondistant you had a list of 100.000 qualified people highly segmented and interested, you would be doing thousands of dollars in the Internet and with a business working successful. Like beginning? She in line looks for the best suppliers of email marketing, the one that personally I use by its facility and practicidad is Aweber is a system of management of electronic mails that right away distributes your electronic mails to your list of subscribers with only pressing a button. She offers the option to you to prove it by a month to only 1 dollar. Resource Highly recommended if you want to have a system of electronic mails of high quality. Subscript: This in the lists of voluntary subscription remembers the money, begins to construct yours immediately original Author and source of the article.