Tag: finances

Luximo Holding Managed Fund Initiators

From the creation of the sales prospectus to investors administration Wurzburg October 2011. (Source: Linkedin). The Wurzburger Emissionshaus luximo Holding AG is known with his investor-friendly investment products for its innovativeness. The luximo holding-competence-center is probably less well known. In addition to their activity as fund initiator luximo holding offers external fund initiators on request their expertise in the implementation and communication of closed Fund products the Fund idea and concept is however still the customer. The fund initiators concerning a comprehensive support in all matters herein sees its task the luximo holding-competence-center. Luximo holding assumes all important tasks ranging from the creation of the sales prospectus, through the integration of external law firms for legal scrutiny, public relations, coordination of sales activities and the investors manage for initiators of funds upon request. To book the broad portfolio of services is of course also as a complete package”. With this comprehensive Support program goes beyond the luximo holding clearly aware the classic range of external consulting firms.

At the luximo holding-competence-center benefit from an extensive Division of labor”fund initiators, allows the clients themselves entirely on their actual core task to focus i.e. the Fund and investment management,. As advantages of the luximo holding the clear competence and jurisdiction rules, the direct communication channels such as the central coordination of all activities at the Wurzburg site affect this. Luximo holding brings together their own experience in the design and placement of closed-end Fund in their centre of excellence. Bobby Kotick might disagree with that approach. With six investment offers the luximo holding currently itself on the German market is represented and has become especially as issuer of specialized private equity funds including the Sin Fund”Prosperia Mephisto 1 or various multi-asset products. Personnel, the competence center of the luximo holding is also ideally positioned. Luximo holding Board of Directors Dipl.-ing. Slobodan Cvetkovic can look back on many years of experience in the mutual fund business and currently manages a fund volume of around 300 million euros.

Refer to for more information about the luximo holding Literacy Center. About the luximo holding, the underwriter of luximo holding is specialised in development and emission of investment concepts in the area of closed-end Fund. Of luximo holding focuses on direct investments in private equity, infrastructure, multi asset and renewable energy sectors. This, the management of the luximo holding can build on their own experiences, as well as a network of mostly institutional partners. While the luximo holding in the implementation of the offered investments maintains a high standard of quality. To maintain this standard, a team of professionals continuously analyzes the economic opportunities offered by the markets, derives from this high-yielding investments and developed investments that meet the expectations of private investors. The management of the luximo holding follows a holistic approach and the principle of portfolio optimization and can provide high-return investment offers a wide audience of investors. How to contact with luximo Holding AG Marion Countess Wolffskeel Lambert Rottendorfer Strasse 30 d-97074 Wurzburg telephone: 0931/79792-14 fax: 0931/79792-17 E-Mail: Internet:

Stock Exchange Glossary: Current Assets

Temporary capital of the companies the Exchange Portal boersennews.de informs in his stock market dictionary the user of the page about different terms from the world of finance. So what investors see as liquid assets and the balance sheet items include explains among other things. The balance sheet is a subdivision in an active and a passive side. The former sort assets of a company in the order of their time in descending order. Within those assets is again differentiated between fixed and circulating assets.

The latter can be defined according to stock exchange glossary by boersennews.de as assets, which remains only temporarily in the company. Supplies and inventories, securities, bank deposits at the Bundesbank or credit institutions, as well as claims arising from deliveries and services are lingering in the short term capital. Wells Fargo addresses the importance of the matter here. The stock of marketable assets items changed by permanent arrivals and departures. An example of this are the stocks in the Production. This constantly changing their inventory, they are processed or newly bought. According to HGB, an asset can be associated both the investment and the assets depending on the intended use.

So, a machine produced by a company that is intended for sale, will be considered assets. Their production is however for the own business, it is considered assets, because it remains permanently in the operation. Summarized the current assets is so its purpose determined by. Based on paragraph 247 of the HGB, management meets deciding what kind of asset is associated with an asset. More information: ../begriff/umlaufvermoegen /… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Closedend Funds

Drastic changes in the stock market due to new BFin directive 22 July 2013 as new credit agency advocating for transparency and seriousness on the Fund market with all its strength, welcomes the decision of the Bundestag for the AIFM directive through the KAGB (investment code) and the adaptation of many other legal provisions such as the Investment Act, the WpHG and the GewO SCOREDEX. by Johann Sternberg, project manager of Scoredex GmbH under the new rules, the management of all types of funds, also the closed, is subjected to a statutory audit. That since June 1 last year for closed-end funds valid investment law applies even for old cases continue. Payoneer: the source for more info. From July 22, new closed-end funds may are managed but only by capital management companies, which are controlled by the BFin. For the admission as external capital management company, which is the current model of closed-end funds, is an initial liquidity by at least 125,000 EUR prescribed. In addition, reserves in the amount of 25% of the previous year must be made during a closed-end Fund. Future capital management companies generally should have a liability insurance form or alternatively adequate reserves. Assets that can be zugrechnet a Fund, to be guarded by a depositary.

Normally, this is a custodian bank. But also external service providers, like accountants, tax advisors or lawyers come into question. Also the open funds and the so-called UCITS investment funds are affected by the new regulations. Still, the KAGB is different depending on the investors. Special funds and special AIF can be offered only to institutional investors like banks, pension funds, corporations and family offices or investors who invest at least. EUR 200,000. Private investors can identify only public funds and public AIF. The closed-end investment funds must in future by a Investment stock corporation or investment partnership run. A GbR no longer comes into question.

Uwe Geyer

If you now exactly the same parameters measured, however only slightly different mixes the successful trades and the loss trades, clearly volatile chart patterns arise. Wells Fargo Bank is often quoted on this topic. And, although it is to precisely the same trades is! It’s called variance. The variance is one of two factors that make beautiful or difficult life as a system dealer us also for our investors. So, what is the variance, dominated our mood and that of investors. We develop euphoric feelings in hype-phase and there are phases in which the variance does exactly the opposite and evil plays with us and our investors.

The variance enticed to take more risk in good phases and makes purchases in these phases. “In bad phases, however, she threatens to shake investors, because it loses the courage and thinks: Oh dear, nothing more can be heard here, the system has failed and are obviously no longer able properly to take advantage of the current market”. Are even occasionally doubt Now we have the chance again smooth without loss. No offense”. Annoyed he will have in the subsequent strong upward.

The shaking effect can therefore also arise from boredom. Would it have been better in the past few years, to reduce the risk? Uwe Geyer: I can emphasize one often enough: profits are not made in the mental comfort zone. It is to access not always profitable 10 pips and to be satisfied, because you can chalk up the profit. Small gains a tremendous hit rate is necessary to produce the average trade, beating the charges. In the Internet, prospective customers run many models with high hit rate on the way. Let’s take for example a system with a target of 5 pips and a stop-loss mark-20 pips. If the average trade now from 1.8 pips, trade can be profitable only if nobody more gets them in the way and also the broker waives his fees.

New Business Field

Courage to the investment in a new class of ACE set before years hardly anyone in Germany knew the concept of NPL. Through public debate and also by now in the economy that has changed quickly an own business. NPL are loans and advances to customers, which are sold by banks, building societies and insurance companies. The purchase price is this the maximum 3% of the nominal value of unsecured claims, and between 10% and 30% for unsecured claims. Now of course many people ask themselves: “Why should it be a business for others?” It’s simple. Until it comes to a NPL, most years. The situation between creditors and debtors is procedure, the time of the compromise or agreement possibility long past. Of course also the KWG limits close some possibility of settlement with the debtor”.

Quite different to the new creditor: this has a profound interest in an agreement with the debtor, the only way he earns his money. The debtor sees here soon his chance “to get out of debt” and this for a sum which is substantially lower than the actual debt. So a ROI (return on investment) can be quickly from a “title”. Especially recommended are our funds with secured claims. Liens are available here. Here, everyone gets the best possible security on its invested capital. We deem extremely interesting and profitable business unit.

But beware! There are experienced and non-experienced providers in the industry. The members of the National Federation of credit purchase and servicing e.V. (BKS), are recommended here. Is the provider member of this Association, it will certainly be called serious.

Adviser Vessels

Specialist solicitors compensation for MPC ship fund investors prevail in the Fund MPC open fleet – MS “Santa B vessels” GmbH & co. KG-invested investors in the years 2006 and 2007 over 177 million. Whether she will see anything again from this money, written in the stars. Because with his 14 ships, the Fund is in economic difficulties. The revenue fall far behind the forecast assumptions, the loan return has ground to a halt, distributions are not possible. The total loss of their deposit threatens investors lack prospects for an increase in Charter revenue.

Claims for damages due to incorrect advice and prospectus errors on behalf of clients who participate in the Fund, we have the prospectus of the Fund MPC open fleet – MS “Santa B vessels” GmbH & co. KG – tested and we believe that both brochure defects and faulty investment advice found. Both justified claims for damages. Only 70% of the investor money flowed into the ship investment the prospectus must be according to the case-law determine the Bundesgerichtshof without large amount can be what part of the capital raised by the investors valuable flows into the ship investment and consumed what part of not investment purposes, so-called soft costs. This point also the advisor who recommends the system. The prospectus of the Fund “MPC open fleet”-MS “Santa B vessels” GmbH & co. KG – does not contain such a statement. Only through separate calculations this can determine.

The result terrifying from investors point of view: 30% of the to be applied by investors Kommanditkapital incl. premiums was spent on soft costs. Only 70% actually flowed into the purchase of vessels. 26.5% of investor money flowed in sales commissions Bank Advisor must indicate the Kickback case-law of the Bundesgerichtshof always, which commissions their bank or savings bank, receives for providing a Fund share. Non-bank Adviser must according to the case-law of the Bundesgerichtshof expressly point out, if the share of distribution costs on by investors applied capital more than 15%.

HCI Funds Platform Supply Vessels

Agreed Charter can charterer 4 platform providers pay no more bad news for investors in the year 2008 about 30 million in the four HCI platform provider PSV, Hellespont daring, PSV Hellespont dawn, PSV Hellespont defiance and PSV Hellespont drive have invested. The charterer, the Sanko steamship from Japan, is in serious economic problems. Threatens the total failure and thus the total loss to investors. Charterer the Sanko steamship in payment difficulties as the information service fund telegram reported on March 17, 2012, Sanko had invited his business partner to a crisis meeting on March 16. It was to the precarious financial situation of the charterer, the competitive pressure and the low freight rates on the international markets of the ship make difficult to create. Reportedly Sanko to March at all shipowners already have unilaterally reduced the Charter rates and announced for April, not the contractually agreed payments. Ships with new Charter contracts probably not break even to operate the Charter contracts to seven years set should be probably become obsolete in the face of this development. Because either is all parties by Sanko of a reduction of the Charter rates approved by, or the Japanese company will apply for protection from creditors.

This would mean that for the four HCI platform provider PSV Hellespont daring, PSV Hellespont dawn, PSV Hellespont defiance and PSV Hellespont drive new charterer should be found. In the current market situation with devastating low Charter rates, it will be difficult to get contracts, which can allow the a cost covering operation of vessels. Ships were also so far not break even it is noteworthy that all four ships in the current account balance 2010 already have repayment arrears. Also operating costs available up to 1/3 on plan are in addition to lower Charter revenue and travel surplus fallen lower than planned, cause. In the episode generated liquidity enough already with the Charter contract with Sanko steamship not out to drive the four platform suppliers break even. This also explains why the scheduled distributions so far were not done.

While it’s probably rather not because, as HCI writes in the balance that it has kept the money, as it says in the HCI performance for 2010, to establish a liquidity reserve. You look closely at the balance, it is noted that the shipping company surplus, so that drove in with the ships before interest and repayment generated result at each of the four ships cumulatively fell by commissioning until end 2010 at around 50% behind the plans. Compensation for investors many investors the HCI platform provider PSV Hellespont daring, PSV Hellespont dawn, PSV Hellespont defiance and PSV Hellespont drive have their investment after the consultation to participate probably otherwise imagined. For most, the risks that arise now, will be completely new and surprising. However would be given about these risks before the Investment decision must be informed. This was not the case, the investment advisor are liable for damages. You want to know whether you as an investor an HCI platform provider can assert claims for damages? Call me, I will gladly help you. Nittel Firm specializing in banking law and capital market law your contact Alexander Meyer, lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.

Managing Director

Thing value secured investment with State guarantee and Euro security Stuttgart, 27.02.2012. After successful placement of ten public investment funds, in about four years, the underwriter energy capital invest now offers the US oil and gas Fund XIII KG with a unique new system concept a wider investor audience. Last year the Stuttgart had already successfully placed a private placement with similar investment focus and conceptual design. The Fund invests in the region of Cook Inlet in Alaska and here again in the extraction of petroleum and natural gas. Due to his extraordinary energy situation, the State of Alaska Bohr-and exploration activity in previously unknown ways subsidized: In the Cook Inlet region drilling and exploration costs are subsidized in part with up to 100 per cent, to help ensure the basic provision of the inhabitants of the State oil and gas. In this particular case, Alaska has even legally laid down the subsidies. Above all the State subsidies for the Cost of exploration and development of the necessary infrastructure are prescribed, the free transfer of property rights, as well as the primary operation of the investors from the expected profits of the exploration and production in Alaska offer maximum security. To reflect the latest economic developments, also a euro hedge was provided.

The thirteenth participation is also a real short term. The US oil and gas Fund XIII KG should be resolved again to 31 December 2014. As already in the previous fund investors achieve tax-free profits of up to 14 percent per year in accordance with design, up on the reservation of progression, in Germany. The US oil and gas Fund XIII KG with a volume of 25 million euro equity fund is designed as a pure. 15,000 euros, plus five percent agio, investors can participate in oil and gas Fund XIII KG the US.

Again is also an early artist bonus of up to five percent nominal grant, which will be paid in September 2012 already. The maximum calculated profit percent 39 years in about 2 half. Also in the US oil and gas Fund XIII KG the energy capital invest has once more in advance and has the Fund indirectly beneficial part ownership of the exploration unit Alaska 2 “provided. “The necessary rights was notarized registered with the competent Courthouse” registered (comparable to the German land register Office for real estate). “Because of uncertainties about the future existence of the euro as the single currency in Europe, a protection of the investment in the amount of the investment amount of the raw materials is oil” and natural gas “admitted. In addition the fund capital is secured by the one-off subsidy system in Alaska to more than 50 percent, because the exploration costs 65 percent will be reimbursed with a roughly six-month trailing alone. But above all to make the outstanding results of the first hole out of the US oil and gas Fund XIII KG a unique and safe investment. So 13 eligible layers were identified at the first hole, which have a natural gas reserve of around 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. With the US oil and gas Fund XIII KG, the energy capital invest realized a completely new and unique on the German equity market investment concept that itself indicates that in addition to attractive investment fundamentals, as a successful two-digit return immediately by several security aspects. “” “The determinants for investment high return” high security “offer no opposition so more”, says Kay Rieck as Managing Director of energy capital invest.