For in such a way, she is necessary that she has an awareness of the society and a personal organization in its finances, in order not to become indebted and to create an obligation that are incapable to honor and that they can, also, to have repercussions judicial due to payment. In short, the bank does not have to be judged as enemy friend or, but yes as an institution where it depends on the consumer to make the correct choices. They exist people who invest through the bank, visualizing the growth of its invested capital and had never had claims. You unite, you with certainty know somebody that does not possess financial problems, you possess applications and never she needed loans. This everything is directly on the financial planning. As well as it must know somebody that lives or it lived the opposite of this, with many debts, always looking new alternatives of credit, thinking about what to make in the following month to pay the accounts, therefore the money that it possesss is not enough, etc. Being thus the tip that is: it invests in knowledge and personal finances. Mathematically you are possible to invest 200 Reals for month, to a tax of interests of 11,50% to the year (current tax of Brazil), in 30 years you you will have accumulated half Real million more than. Today this would represent a monthly income of approximately 5 a thousand Reals for month. Summarizing, it diminishes to the maximum its you divide and plans its future, therefore nobody will make this for you. You make its money to work for and the bank does not stop!