For the appearance of the doctor's office on the Internet have become like many hurdles. The German Medical Assembly has suggested an Information of the patient, on the basis of which doctors can provide comprehensive information online. Sun now exists a sufficiently secure framework for the legal foundations of the practice website. Due to the large number of laws and regulations that must be respected, the creation of physician specialists, however, be left home. Please note include: * pattern of conduct for doctors in the current version of the national medical associations * information from the Federal Medical * Electronic commerce – Law (EGG) * Drug Advertising Act (HWG) * Law against Unfair Competition (UWG) * Judgement of District Court Trier (external representation Dental) * Judgement of Federal Supreme Court (doctor advertising on the Internet) * Teleservices Act (TDG) 6 TDG after doctors must keep the following information easily visible, directly accessible and always available (Imprint): * name and address at which they are established * Email address * the legal profession and the State in which the qualification has been awarded * the relevant chamber * the name of the professional rules and how to access them * established under contract must specify in addition to the above information, the physicians' association in which they are members, as it is for the contract doctors, the competent authority * is a society founded for the doctors partnership, the registration number will be published * in cases where doctors a tax identification number according to 27 a of the VAT Act have, this number must be specified