Tag: auto and moto

Passenger Car Transportation

The representatives of your company or your customers appreciate the comfort and respect for themselves. Offer them this way … A business meeting or a trip to the sea, a celebration or reception of the delegation of … Our cars accentuate your high status and a commitment to excellence in everything! Talk about the car brand Mercedes – wasting your time. The entire fleet of our company consists of cars Mercedes E-classes the year 2007 classic black. ghts. These vehicles around the world are a sign of high achievement of its owner. or a more varied view.

Flawless appearance and technical sophistication – the card of the Mercedes business class. Clearly, these cars must be driven by experienced drivers. We've chosen professionals. They not only provide comfort and safety on the road, but also fulfill all of your personal and business tasks. In this respect for the client, courtesy and confidentiality are guaranteed! Continuous monitoring of the movement of cars is provided on the basis of GPS. This makes it possible, if necessary to timely inform you about the whereabouts of the car and quickly make changes in its route. Each of our vehicles is equipped with a bank terminal.

Services of our company are licensed. Our staff at any time of day to take your order and see to its implementation. We guarantee delivery of ordered vehicle in the desired time and place. At the moment we work with clients in Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, and Simferopol. In the near future we plan to start work in other cities of Ukraine.

Vietnam Ulyanovsk

Domestic UAZ and still enjoy great popularity in areas where a low-cost reliable all-terrain vehicle. Spare parts for automobiles UAZ delivered not only to all regions Russia, but even in many countries. Dealer Network Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant is highly developed in the near and far abroad, and UAZ ride on the roads, and more on the road. Our off-road UAZ plow many countries, for example, in Mongolia, China, Venezuela, Iran, India, Vietnam and other countries. It is because demand is so high in the supply of spare parts UAZ even in bulk. After all, our cars UAZ with ease amenable to repair, not always that requires professional maintenance.

Therefore, UAZ car parts delivered to all regions where they sell or operated UAZ, so repairs this car is available is sufficient and acceptable to all segments of the population. Certainly, in Russia UAZ favorably with their foreign counterparts simplicity and speed of possible repairs, and high cross-price and availability of offset lower domestic comfort SUVs. The most trusted auto parts maker UAZ offers himself – the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. Purchasing products through its official distributors, who guarantee the quality, the optimal time of delivery, and low price. They work both for export and the domestic Russian market. UAZ may well be used in both military and peaceful purposes.

Although the factory was founded in 1941 on the basis of evacuated to Ulyanovsk Automobile Factory of Moscow shops, self-design activities only started in the fifties. In 1959 UAZ production already exported to 22 countries, and is still popular domestic SUV abroad remains high. The famous UAZ-469 went into production in 1972, and the production of this model and its modifications, lasted more than thirty years. Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant has continued to regularly update its range. In 2003, UAZ, it was decided to discontinue the legendary UAZ-469, the first specimen of which was built in 1960. Since then the car factory are significant changes, the assembly and manufacture of the bodybuilder was certified quality management system according to ISO 9001, and in new models and used parts are imported.

VIP Services

Each of us enjoyed at least once a taxi, but few have thought about the fact that taxi, you are using, and displays your image in society. Our company provides VIP taxi. Today, such services the world is booming, and in some countries, this business could well "get stronger" and "get on its feet," but in our country it is quite in its infancy, and we are one of the firms, which already proved itself to this market. Turning to us, we guarantee that the services of the VIP taxi will be provided at the highest level and best quality. Indeed, in our town you can find companies which this service is only called a "VIP service taxi", in case may be, it is only a call to a comfortable car to the address and delivery you are in the right place for you.

We also offer a VIP service is really a taxi, which in addition to luxury car can include a professional driver who knew the city and can take you to a required address as soon as possible, despite the traffic jams. Also, if necessary, we can provide a driver who speaks English, it will be very important if you come to visit from abroad and they are not able to speak in Russian. Speak English and our operators, so for those who does not know Russian Language is no problem to call a taxi. An important aspect of our services vip taxi is the fact that our drivers will help you with your luggage delivery, because it is more pleasant to relax after arriving or leaving with the rest to him than wasting precious energy on not a very important lesson. This addition to a pleasant trip in comfortable car will come in handy if you are waiting ahead of important negotiations or the conclusion of an important transaction in this case strength you need to address more important issues. It also happens that you just can not be in two places at once, as your business partner came ahead of schedule, in this situation would be very useful use the services of the VIP taxi.

After all, if you've seen his guest, would meet on a comfortable car, you also know the city and would help him with heavy luggage, but it includes our services. You just must specify the time and place where you want to meet your guest, as well as the address to which to deliver it, and then it will be for us. Your guest and you do not have to worry about if they carried any valuables or documents, we guarantee the quality of our services. After a visitor much more difficult to navigate in the city than the locals, and to date has divorced many so-called "bomb", which can immediately distinguish the only local resident. Also of particular difficulty is the one who does not speak Russian. Contact us and we will answer all your questions, in addition, you can choose for themselves the most appropriate tariff, which will include certain services. Our fleet includes all the famous brands of cars that are comfortable and equipped with all modern features that will ensure a pleasant travel around the city. This wide selection allows us to meet the needs of almost every client, because you can include in the VIP taxi service driver availability, but also its absence, in addition to select the most appropriate and most suitable tariff for your car. Please contact us and we guarantee the quality of our customer service.

The Capitals of Russia

Stuck in queues on the trolley, especially in winter – just unbearable, and yet, if we add to this eternal delay, fuzzy graph, then this option as there is no quick way to move immediately. This kind of comfort Transport is also far from ideal to go to work that morning in the crowded bus, often clogged finally bothered. What possible way out of this situation, because we buy a car is not always able to. By a single is the right choice movement around the city by taxi. The notion that this type of movement – a luxury some can afford only the wealthy people, is false.

To date, competition between taxis so large that the cost of a taxi was available to anyone. Our organization also monitors the prices, we try to make affordable prices and give a nice discount system. Our company Megapolis Moscow taxi with the quality of their services able to gain the trust of large numbers of people who live in the Russian capital. Taxis will benefit not only ordinary people but also many companies, it has been estimated by experts that have a fleet of vehicles much more expensive than use a taxi. And given that the regular customers receive additional discounts, corporate taxi really profitable for the firms.

In signing the agreement with some taxis, you will receive Regular provision of machinery at your disposal. Because it is worth considering whether the company to acquire additional vehicles for their workers, if you can do a lot easier and take a taxi. Really cheap to find a taxi is easy, you only need to know as to where to look. To compare prices and to see a fleet of firms engaged in supply taxi, it is better to use the Internet. On Internet sites These companies can be found a detailed price list, look at photos of cars that are in the taxis.