Tag: career


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Employer Agency

And the employer – if his people do not like – it will be difficult to fire him. Version of "the street" – the most risky, because it gives absolutely no guarantees: immediately determine the level of training Specialist difficult. Of course, in this case played a role the recommendations. But the recommendation system can be viewed in two ways. Sometimes it happens that the man left the former employment because he did not pay it wages, and in retaliation he was given a bad character. Or vice versa: to get rid of bad specialist in dismissal from the previous place of work he was given a brilliant recommendation – if only he had not returned. In this case, especially when working with middle and senior managers, it is useful to check the past of these people. Such services can provide some solid specialized recruitment agencies, which are ideal recruitment.

But statistics show that the staffing agency recruiters are not treated so often, and mainly for specialists top and middle managers (directors, heads of production, chefs, pastry chef). Businesses small and medium businesses because of financial constraints, unable to pay for agency services and personnel qualified to solve the problem. Although in recent years and restaurateurs This link came to understand that the success of schools is determined by qualifications and level of training. In network structures, as a rule, selection of personnel involved in the personnel department. HR-s resolve the personnel issue per cent at 70-80, while for some of the most difficult positions to address the agency or acting through a friend.

Training Services Lugansk

Training services market in Ukraine rather saturated. Some consulting and training companies have a narrow specialization, offering, for example, only training in personnel management or just on sales techniques. Other companies are working on many fronts. As a rule, it depends on region and market demand. Each company in the market of training services should be geared to the needs of potential clients and time to identify them.

The need for feedback is obvious. For non-compliance needs and suggestions, the interaction will not be effective. Market firms and companies working in Lugansk, is constantly expanding. Almost daily there are new companies, both local origin and branches of large Ukrainian and foreign companies. Although Lugansk – not megacities, but its rapid growth allows us to assume that processes taking place today in Kiev and other cities, in 2-3 years, will be characteristic of Lugansk. Several years ago, rapid training of its employees were engaged only in Lugansk Ukrainian foreign firms origin. For example: Philip Morris, Nestle, Master Foods & Effem Ukraine (MARS) and others like them.

There was a centrally run by the head office. The company had a coach in your state or long-term contracts concluded with major Ukrainian providers of training services. In companies with foreign capital, training of top managers was conducted by senior management or foreign coach, "spill". Today, market trends Lugansk training services include: – It is now clear to all that training – it's not a luxury but a topical need any (major or minor) growing company – not every company can afford own full-time coach, wagon, which would meet all the demands and needs of the company (this simply does not exist in nature).


In 2003 he was created "Center Vietnamese medicine "(which can get only Vietnamese person to them priblezhennye), equipped with necessary medical equipment. The center employs highly qualified specialists. Each employee Corporation on favorable terms can get advice here, take a course of treatment. (lie pure, simple, to workers about it does not say) with a special concern in the "Tehnokome" refer to their children employees. And take care, incidentally, is about someone: the number of children under the age of 14 years, there are almost 700 people.

This, you see, an eloquent indicator of a bad life, how many children govoritsf is born! So, gifts on New Year's Day child protection, cultural campaign into a circus, a puppet theater, the city's Palace of children and youth work – this is self-evident event. (1 ticket for 40 people, and twice a year here, and choose …) A except that – in the summer of children aged 7 to 14 years of age have the opportunity to relax and get healthier in the sea at the recreation center in Evpatoria. Sports number 1 in the "Tehnokome" is, of course, mini-football (where they are driving force after work and top of the list check for failure to appear fine 50griven). On each of the companies has its own team of futsal. Between them are regularly held friendly matches.

They are involved in corporate tournaments. SUN, air and water health – the main property rights. In "Tehnokome" strive to ensure that workers are included in the company of enterprises not only gain satisfaction from their work, but also had the opportunity to maintain a proper level and your health fully relax.