The conventional medical advances based on the improvement and extension of life of human beings have been significant but not sufficient and why: they could control the mortality caused by infectious diseases, metabolic, cancer, have come to understand and use with increasing depth – and we have to recognize and rescue – the molecular biology, immunology, transplantation.This has been achieved in less than a century life expectancy increased from almost all populations of the world in 10, 20 or more years, partly because they have improved the techniques they use, where disease control, but without But it is inadequate and does not solve the main thing is the disease since the disease though not necessarily visible to the naked eye is moving internally, so that human beings today live in constant agony until her death. The quality of life of the planet’s inhabitants can improve and prolong much more, leaving aside a number of disturbances that are thought to be normal until later in life when we believe that the symptoms of old age is upset when it is thus.That’s why I say there must be a culture in health, a general culture that goes to the streets, universities and even the child who just started in his early knowledge. To improve the quality of life and increasing it is important to consider what is important to nurture. Since you’re a child needs to be nurtured, because human needs have to be balanced and know what they need, how much and what time. Definitely, everything you eat is not necessarily what our bodies need. Today everything is sold and food is no exception. It has created a myriad of commercial foods, as for the taste of people is a pleasure and satisfaction to the palate quite exquisite, prompting even a unit and is part of everyday realism generated by modernity.The client ends up happy but it takes a trick on her stomach, and eventually disease. In recent investigations have been made at autopsy, were found from 1 kilo up to 4 kilos in the curvature of the transverse colon, food rotting in a state of fermentation. This is what causes premature death, symptoms and discomforts that millions of people suffer in the world. The human body was created in a manner so perfect, in complement with what is in the nature and know what’s required of them is able to regenerate at all times and achieve longevity. In the shaping of these foods and good combination to do is to have a good life and maintaining health to enjoy life without damage. VEIrons, colon specialist and highly experienced in fasting, referring to American dietary disaster tells us that: “In many cases, food remains inside the body for months or even years. These foods will rot and decompose, and are embedded in the folds and crevices of the colon … In most people, colon, rather than a sewer system fast and efficient, has become stagnant in a black hole. ” Dr. Robert Jackson, referring to the composition of refined foods, denatured and cooked excessively and indiscriminately combined, says: “The elimination of this waste substance (fiber) of our food also removes the natural stimulus for the muscular activity of the intestinal wall …