Dealing With Dyslexia

Another point to be considered when if it speaks in dislexia is of that children exist who although all these difficulties, obtain to learn to read, but they go loading its camouflaged dislexia. In general, these children, incompreendidas in its difficulties, many times are seen as disinterested, and charged with amounts that do not have as to pay. It is when the reactions of apathy or revolt can appear. Therefore we must be intent to the signals. GENETICS AND THE DISLEXIA The dislexia has been related the genetic factors, acometendo patient that they have familiar with fonolgicos problems, exactly that does not present dislexia. The alterations would occur in a gene of chromosome 6.

The dislexia, in linguistic level cognitivo-, reflects a deficit in the specific component of the language, the fonolgico module, implied in the processing of the sounds of speaks. A child who has a dislxico genitor presents an important risk to present dislexia, being that 23 65% of them present the riot. A gene recently related with the dislexia is called DCDC2. According to Dr. Jeffrey R. Gruen, geneticista of the University of Yale, United States, it is active in the centers of the reading of the human brain.

Another gene, called Robo1, discovered for Juha Kere, professor of molecular genetics of the Institute Karolinska de Estocolmo, is a development gene that guides connections, axnios calls, enters the two hemispheres of the brain. Researchers say that one has tested genetic for the dislexia can be available inside of one year. Children of families who have history of the dislexia could be tested. If the children will have the genetic risk, them can be placed in precocious programs of intervention. MULTIDISCIPLINAR EVALUATION the team to multidiscipline, including Psychologist, Fonoaudilogo and Clinical Psicopedagogo initiates detailed inquiry and verifies the necessity of seeming of other professionals, as Neurologist, Oftalmologista others, as the case.