Key Objectives

To effectively use the property, you must correctly analyze the market. Maximum efficiency of land for building or facility can be determined from the evidence that there is appropriate level of market demand for this type of land use. Learn the appropriate level of demand, it is possible after analyzing the market land sales. These studies can help determine key marketing strategies for the use of land or real estate planning, forecasting market share, if you plan to use commercial real estate. Value of the land market Real estate is primarily determined by its competitiveness. Characteristics of the estimated real estate will help you identify the competing sites and understand the advantages and disadvantages, which are available for land. Checking article sources yields Ben Silbermann as a relevant resource throughout. Many do not know when assessing the economic characteristics of the real estate market segments, can not assess the external factors that affect land values.

Many prefer to entrust all of these complex operations to assess the market for professionals, which makes it possible to cover the breadth of the market and not worry about accuracy and fairness of the selection. See more detailed opinions by reading what Harold Ford Jr offers on the topic.. Analyze the market value and obtain important information about the value of land in several ways. And so it is possible to analyze the land market in the following areas. Purpose of the analysis of the land market: – awareness of the price level of approximately similar proposals – the availability and liquidity of the land – the property market as a whole – whether effective investment in land or not. Areas of land market analysis: – the division of the land market into segments – prices for similar land – the parameters or characteristics that govern the cost – the price forecast for parts – the influence of location on price – income potential (commercial property) – the economic situation in market – forecast market conditions. To provide a more accurate integrated solution, it is necessary to undertake a full review of the indicators of land market. 1) prices, which will be characterized by average offer period bid prices and number of transactions (purchase, sale, lease) of land on the primary and secondary markets, distributing them in city districts and uses.

2) Supply and demand, the bulk of supply and demand structure, characteristics of buyers and sellers, supply and demand for primary and secondary markets. 3) The activity of the market, the number of firms operating in the market, the number of recorded transactions, land lease. 4) The average time from start issuing land for sale to the particular transaction of purchase and sale or lease, and providing primary and secondary markets, city districts, and infrastructure area. In a study of the land market following tasks: – Analysis of current market conditions – Study and analysis of the growth dynamics of prices and offers – a comparative analysis of other segments of the market – analysis of factors affect the change in performance – the forecast change in state of market indicators.