Japanese Immigration

2.6. The SLEEVES to say itself in ‘ ‘ Group of the Mnica Jovem’ ‘ , it is necessary to approach the style and the arrival of sleeves to Brazil, that occurred at the beginning of century XIX, come together with Japanese immigration. The publication of histories translated into the Portuguese, however, only happens in fact in 2001. Since then, the sleeve consumption grew the point to almost represent 50% of the sales of quadrinhos in the national market.

(VASCONCELLOS, 2006). The Brazilian market divides space enters translated Japanese sleeves with others produced by national authors. Although not to be so known how much the foreigners, the national authors if had benefited very with the success of the quadrinhos. However, it is important to stand out that ‘ ‘ sleeve brasileiro’ ‘ if it differs in some aspects of the Japanese model. According to Peter Figueiredo Vasconcellos (2006), the language of the sleeve is a set of techniques that prezam for: ) the presence of contemplativos elements, as the nature, permeando narrative in pictures that specify the landscape; b) opening for constant modification of the representations of personages and concepts; c) approach between the grafia and illustration the point of if becoming part of the same process and becoming inexact the percipient difference between drawing and writing; d) cartunescos and zoomrficos elements in the drawing of the personages, who result in a retraction exaggerated of feelings, situations, states of spirit and, even though, of health. The Japanese sleeves are very difficult to be translated fully for other languages and this leads to the incompreenso of certain graphical techniques. However, if it cannot forget that the full impossibility of translation leads to the biggest necessity of invention, as much on the part the translator, how much of the reader. (VASCONCELLOS, 2006). 2.7. ‘ ‘ GROUP OF MNICA JOVEM’ ‘ For Miriam Abramovay (2007), for much time if they did not see the young ones as social actors, that is, as a segment with characteristics specific.