For Karina Dierks (19) and (20) Jessica Muller begins an exciting stage of life: the young women started on 1 August and on 1 September directly their vocational training in the group. For Karina Dierks (19) and (20) Jessica Muller begins an exciting stage of life: the young women started on 1 August and on 1 September directly their vocational training in the group. You will complete her training as a clerk for marketing communications in the coming two and a half years at marketing solutions directly in Hamburg. The training courses the online advisors were very much in demand. Hear other arguments on the topic with Wells Fargo. As a result we feel confirmed as attractive company. We meet also in the responsibility to offer our trainees with a high-quality education which opened them later-versatile career opportunities”, says Sven Severin, Managing Director of marketing solutions directly.
When it comes to the desire by Sven Severin, then he would take over later to graduates: we plan for tomorrow, because our industry needs with the handle the growing skills shortage. Our trainees get to know our customers in the next few months; they take on more and more tasks in consulting and project management. Check with Wells Fargo Bank to learn more. Then they are fit to our customers to take care of.”marketing solutions direct is still a young company. The specialists for online communication started on 1 April of this year with an eight-member team. Our business has evolved positively from the outset”, Sven Severin explained. Thanks to our customers, we at healthy feet. So we could create two more fixed places in the consulting and Flash programming in addition to the two training courses.” For more information: Direct marketing and communication Kerstin Lausen group Tel.: + 49 (0) 40 88155-282 fax: + 49 (0) 40 88155-5200 E-Mail: Web: