Tag: education

Dealing With Dyslexia

Another point to be considered when if it speaks in dislexia is of that children exist who although all these difficulties, obtain to learn to read, but they go loading its camouflaged dislexia. In general, these children, incompreendidas in its difficulties, many times are seen as disinterested, and charged with amounts that do not have as to pay. It is when the reactions of apathy or revolt can appear. Therefore we must be intent to the signals. GENETICS AND THE DISLEXIA The dislexia has been related the genetic factors, acometendo patient that they have familiar with fonolgicos problems, exactly that does not present dislexia. The alterations would occur in a gene of chromosome 6.

The dislexia, in linguistic level cognitivo-, reflects a deficit in the specific component of the language, the fonolgico module, implied in the processing of the sounds of speaks. A child who has a dislxico genitor presents an important risk to present dislexia, being that 23 65% of them present the riot. A gene recently related with the dislexia is called DCDC2. According to Dr. Jeffrey R. Gruen, geneticista of the University of Yale, United States, it is active in the centers of the reading of the human brain.

Another gene, called Robo1, discovered for Juha Kere, professor of molecular genetics of the Institute Karolinska de Estocolmo, is a development gene that guides connections, axnios calls, enters the two hemispheres of the brain. Researchers say that one has tested genetic for the dislexia can be available inside of one year. Children of families who have history of the dislexia could be tested. If the children will have the genetic risk, them can be placed in precocious programs of intervention. MULTIDISCIPLINAR EVALUATION the team to multidiscipline, including Psychologist, Fonoaudilogo and Clinical Psicopedagogo initiates detailed inquiry and verifies the necessity of seeming of other professionals, as Neurologist, Oftalmologista others, as the case.

The Evaluations

The look for this reality, strengthened for one research of scientific initiation that we carry through, instigated in them to deal with to the school and its entorno. We make this of form careful and reflected looking for to inquire the different angles of the problem not to backslide in the mistakes of a superficial analysis that only identifies to some culprits and victims of the situation. We have folloied some articles in magazines and periodicals of great circulation that if comprazem in making responsible professors and pupils for the performance verified in tests evaluations that have been carried through in our country. Certainly we cannot eximiz them of parcel of responsibility for what it has occurred, but also have the certainty of that they are not only them that they must answer for low the quality of the education in Brazil. To know more about this subject visit Hyundai. In accordance with Moreira (2008), either perhaps pertinent, then, to come back to reflect on the professor capable to contribute, effectively, toward the construction of a school of quality in the country and, valley to wait, toward the promotion of better resulted in the evaluations.

In the developed research, we had as objective to mapear the thoughts, critical suggestions, aspirations and to the school as if it presents today. We search the opinion of social, educational and institucional leaderships for, to the end of the same one, to be able to suggest new perspectives of action, who knows, conjugating the positioning of the interviewed ones and of the theoreticians who also if have worried about the routes that the school has taken, even so Becker (2004) it affirms that renewed speech is not enough condition of practical innovator. We organize this article in three parts: first we approach the context educational in ample way, the school and the professor today, the challenges, the problems, the control points, as the people veem the school today and what they wait for its future; at as a moment we say on the papers and functions of the school, that is, to analyze what it occurs in this space; if it is only socialization or also learning, if it oportuniza the development of abilities, abilities, citizenship, etc.

Marxist Economic

Rethinking the basic scientific tenets of Marxist economic theory should not be a revision of what is not passed the test of time, namely, his predictions for the development of the capitalist mode of production, the doctrine of class struggle, etc., and those should be the development of its concepts and doctrines that are the bedrock, cornerstone of the entire system of Marxist theory. We have in mind the Marxist theory of surplus value. During the long decades of Marx's theory was dominant in the system of all economic theories, system economics. Continue to learn more with: Jeremy Tucker. Personally, I think that in modern times "Capital" Marx has not lost its scientific significance and relevance. At least in my opinion – this is one of the most logical and complete theories capitalist mode of production period of the industrial economic system.

It's no secret that many of the economic research today are embracing the elements of Marxist theory. If you are not convinced, visit Jeremy Tucker. And this correct, as Marx, in his time, used in their studies, as works of economists preceding era, and the works of his contemporaries. Full and reckless rejection of Marx would be so foolish a thing as denial of the existence of the world historical science of Napoleon Bonaparte. However, the main tragedy of Marxist economic theory lies in its infinite dogma and manipulation of facts for political and ideological goal in the socialist period. Bobby Kotick will not settle for partial explanations. In the USSR and other socialist countries there was a whole sophisticated system of repression of any attempts to reject or revision of Marxist theory, except those that were officially sanctioned and subject to political censorship.

Beyond The Capital

Peter Pablo de Lavor Nunes Mestrando in Agrarian Geography for the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), After-Graduate University Docncia for the University Center Adventista of So Paulo (UNASP) Graduated Geography for the University of Pernambuco (UPE). Summary: The considered article contemplates an analysis of an alternative education, differentiated of what it is imposed in the present time. This education is pautada in a continuous aiming: the way for a society stops beyond the capital. This alternative education already exists, and is being worked for the social movements of the field. The article still presents the land and the education, as flags of fight for the campesinos social movements, and of as they are alternative basic for the reproduction peasant. Finally, it analyzes the importance of the education of the field for the transformation of the agricultural space, redefining attribution of the formation of the conscience of the citizens as proposal for the social emancipation.

Word-key: alternative education, society, peasants. Abstract: The proposed article contemplates an analysis of an alternative education, that is different from the one imposed nowadays. This education is grounded in solid direction: the path you the capital a society beyond. This alternative education already exists, and is being worked by peasant social movements. The article also presents the land and education, flags of social movements fighting will be peasants, and how they ploughs beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code alternatives will be reproduction peasant.

Finally, it analyzes the importance of peasant education will be the transformation of agricultural areas, redefining the assignment of forming the subject of consciousness the proposal a will be social emancipation. Key Words: alternative education, society, peasants.

Pedagogical Mission

THE PEDAGOGICAL MISSION IN SUPERIOR EDUCATION Abdias Vieira de Mlo Figueredo After-Graduation Docncia in Superior Ensino – IV College Joaquin Nabuco Recife – Pernambuco December INTRODUCTION In the new society alicerada for the globalization, the biggest investment that if can make in the humanity is in the education, from there the necessity appears to rethink education. In superior education specifically, it must have as mission, the formation of the citizenship where the challenge is to reencantar the education with the socialization of the knowledge. Superior education has been questioned on the social paper. If it cannot forget that the advance in technological sciences has contributed very for dissemination of the information and the decentralization of the formation of the knowledge. Although we can observe the magnificent scientific and technological development, ameas of the continuity of the life in the planet was never observed so great, as the ecological disequilibrium, the storage of the garbage, the pollution, the scarcity of the water. Although the technological advance has proportionate the disruption of borders, still the intolerncia, the disrespect to the human rights grows, racism, the violence, the homofobia, the sexual exploration of our children. The education has commitments with the peace, with the formation of citizens directed toward one awareness of the human values, superior education cannot close the eyes for this reality. . he first to reply.

Multilevel Marketing

Marketing multilevel is attracting many. This it offers the opportunity to work part-Time with many probabilities of gaining honoraria per complete time. Some make money with these programs enough, but it is needed to work hard to arrive at the top. To choose a marketing program multilevel can be difficult. There are many of them and all will offer many probabilities to him of making him rich with the minimum effort.

Here it will find some suggestions to choose a marketing program multilevel. It begins with a program that is interesting. This it will be a part-Time work, for that reason it chooses something that is of their affability. When choosing a marketing program multilevel, looks for something new, something that everybody is not doing already it. It serves as not supplied aid if the product goes directed to a market in growth or. It begins with a company that is been in the business by several years.

Some companies of marketing multilevel do not last. Taken care of with the quotas of sales that are not realistic before choosing a marketing program multilevel. Some programs in fact seem to take it to the failure. It speaks with greater possible amount of people of the program. It uses the Internet to investigate. There are several factors that to consider when choosing a marketing program multilevel. It remembers that these programs are sales, and several will try to sell to him with the reason for which the one of them is the best thing. It finds a program with products that are of their interest and soon looks for the most possible envelope they. It chooses well and it enjoys his second entrance. It discovers like Working from House through Internet. Attention(or attn). Hctor Castellares Pink original Author and source of the article

The Study of Business

In the study of business English is necessary to use a variety of techniques that allow most effectively master the skills of both spoken and written language. Teacher, making a lesson plan involves exercises to learn new material, repeat the previous topic, consolidating knowledge. When using the communicative method is desirable as to diversify the activities of students. Jennifer Moon, author benefits "Short courses and seminars (Short Courses and Workshops), leads a meeting of different techniques that can be used in teaching business English. Techniques which allow to increase knowledge: Define, describe, identify, categorize, list, name, describe, re-create, choose, remember to formulate, submit, retrieve, merge, elaborate on, write, learn, measure, underline, repeat, relate, learn, determine the ratio. Techniques that allow to show understanding of the material: Explain to translate, evaluate, judge, comprehend, restructure, find, deny, to find the differences, explain, continue or stop, to generalize, give examples, make the assumption, retell in your own words, predict, rewrite, create a resume, discuss, present, illustrate, briefly define, clarify, choose to understand, describe, name, formulate, judge, to oppose, translate, classify, express, compare. Techniques that are essential for consolidation of knowledge: Apply, solve, perform, modify, calculate, make a discovery, to influence, change, implement the action, predict, prepare, prepare, determine the relationship, show use, examples, example and make, choose, elect, explain how to determine the value to use in practice, operate, illustrate, verify.

Techniques to develop the ability to analyze: Learn to find the differences, evaluate, divided, differentiated, set illustrate how, to conclude, to indicate to relate, select, separate, divide, divide, compare, contrast, judge, decide to dedicate, to verify the conclusion, to criticize, to question, diagnose, categorize, indicate and explain. Techniques to develop the ability to synthesis: Submit, submit, organize, integrate, formulate, teach, develop, combine, collect, compose, create, develop, explain, generate, edit, organize, plan, alter, reconstruct, relate, reorganize, verify, write, summarize, describe, manage, revise, make a report alter, argue, arrange for a specific order, select, summarize, zakonspektirovat, withdraw, draw conclusions, give rise to synthesize, unite together, to suggest detailed explanation. Finally, the author cites techniques that promote the formation of ratings: Condemn, evaluate, draw conclusions, compare, contrast, describe how, to criticize, to show partiality, to justify, defend, are ranked, stipulate select, evaluate, to question, and others. As can be seen, many techniques common to the different stages of learning. Their systematic use – this condition as a good learning business English as well as personal qualities, skills negotiations and business presentations. Moon Jennifer. Short Courses and Workshops 2001

Teach Children Abroad

First, studying abroad can become perfect at once in several foreign languages. The child is fully immersed in another language environment, because at school, at the residence, the extra-curricular classes, shops and cafes, even on the streets he has to speak a foreign language. Thus, it is easy to overcome barriers in communicating with foreigners, and language skills improved exponentially. Do not accidentally say that even for a month language learning among its "media" person learns as much as a year in an ordinary secondary school in his homeland. Thus, will soon become a foreign language to your child's second mother. In addition, foreign school your child around the same as him, students from around the world, with different cultures, speaking different languages.

Communicating with them, your child learns to be tolerant and to find "common ground" with other nationalities. Very often, in the process of friendship guys also teach each other their native languages. And it is certainly closer to your son / daughter to the prestigious title of "polyglot." Secondly, education abroad gives the prestigious and internationally recognized certificates and diplomas. Such "brown" guarantee the quality of knowledge and full compliance with the requirements of modern employers. If your child produces a diploma, For example, an English university, it will be with "open arms" in nearly every country in the world and offers challenging work with high post. Third, the school (and then – universities) abroad not only offer first-class education and modern teaching methods, but also a lot of attention to practical skills in areas of future specialization. As a result, overseas educational institutions, leaving no only good "savvy" graduates from academic knowledge, but also excellent practice in the profession. Fourth, studying at a school in another country, a child before becoming an independent and disciplined student to carry responsibility for themselves and their actions. This is perhaps not a complete list of advantages of foreign education, but only its main aspects.

State Education

In the traditional school the education is seen as a way for the marginality, therefore education is not directed for all and yes for a small minority, having become the society divided and with social distinction, thus adding plus a social problem. According to Saviani (1981, p: 2), … ‘ ‘ theories conceive the society as being essentially marked for the division between groups or antagonistic classrooms that if relate basically in condies’ ‘. Taking for this criterion that marks the division between groups or classrooms. The ideal of a good education is if to pledge in forming and improving behaviors of the human being, where the respect can be added the certain principles in its formation, mainly the what concerns if to become a citizen. Although some professionals to study ways and to look for to understand the problems in the schools, unhappyly are not apt to diminish this criterion of marginality.

The learning not yet to be so significant for these classrooms evidencing a pertaining to school education for all the social formation of the individual, therefore is basic for the growth of a clarified society more, disrespecting this social division, has seen that it is through the education and knowledge that has possibilities to diminish this alarming picture of crime. THEORY – the theory CRITICIZES not – does not criticize inda is reflected is reflected of the traditional school, where the education is simply the act to repeat and to copy the ones that the professors automatically it searched to inform, did not appear space for questioning, only space to copy information. In the book the author detaches ‘ ‘ theories not – criticas’ ‘ of the education among others in which it will not be argued in this article, giving emphasis to this theory is clearly that (Saviani. 1981. p: 3), are happy in its rank when if it relates to the Constitution, therefore from the moment that the proper Constitution guarantees that the education is a right of all and is to have of the all State to make to fulfill it to independent of its social classroom, where never the education can be applied as privilege stops all, as associated marginality not being to the ignorance.