Month: December 2012


A time that the conflict if decides, the remorse can not be evident. 7. Conscience of magoar the others. A empatia lack in general takes not-intentional the offensive or insensitive behaviors. 8. To console the others. As they lack of intuition on the other people’s feelings, people with SA have little understanding on as to console somebody or to make them if to feel better. 9.

To recognize boredom signals. The incapacity to understand the interests other people’s can take Aspergers to be incompressible or negligent. In the hand inverse, people with SA generally do not perceive when the interlocutor is entediado or disinterested. 10. Introspection and autoconscincia. Individuals with SA have difficulty to understand its proper feelings or its impact in the other people’s feelings. 11. Clothes and personal hygiene.

People with SA less tend to be affected by the pressure of the fellow creatures of what others. As results generally make everything in the way that find more comfortable, without if mattering with the other people’s opinion. That is valid mainly in relation to the form of if dressing and the cares with the proper appearance. 12. Love and reciprocal rancor. As Aspergers they react more pragmatically of what emotionally, its expressions of affection and rancor are in general short and weak. 13. Understanding in embarrassment and step in false. Although the fact of people with SA to have intellectual understanding of constaint and gafes, is incapable to apply these concepts in the emotional level. 14. To deal with critical. People with SA feel themselves forcibly compelled to correct errors, exactly when they are committed by people in authority position, as a professor or a head. Therefore, they can seem imprudently offensive. 15. Speed and quality of the processing of the social relations. As they answer to the social interactions with the reason and not intuition, SA carriers tend to much more slowly process information of relationships of what the normal one, taking the desproporcionais and bothering pauses or delays.

Rental Cottage

Service is a cottage on the day '- one of the most popular services. Cottages are rented as a rule for a day of leisure in a couple or a large company. Also in this case, you can order a cottage in order to mark one or a holiday. Cottage on a day to be ordered in advance as the cottages are very popular, and in another case might not be free offers in the direction that you prefer. You can rent cottage at night in a remote area in the woods on the shore of a lake or river, or you can rent a cottage in the busy cottage, where it will be interesting and fun. Holiday is usually furnished with fully furnished and equipped with household appliances, and sometimes include satellite television and the Internet. In some cottages further provides a range of services, such as hunting and fishing. Cottage can pay by cash or bank transfer, and also with credit cards. Leave a cottage to the same condition as you found it. For more information about the cottages, as well as a list of popular proposals can be found on our website in the section.

State Education

In the traditional school the education is seen as a way for the marginality, therefore education is not directed for all and yes for a small minority, having become the society divided and with social distinction, thus adding plus a social problem. According to Saviani (1981, p: 2), … ‘ ‘ theories conceive the society as being essentially marked for the division between groups or antagonistic classrooms that if relate basically in condies’ ‘. Taking for this criterion that marks the division between groups or classrooms. The ideal of a good education is if to pledge in forming and improving behaviors of the human being, where the respect can be added the certain principles in its formation, mainly the what concerns if to become a citizen. Although some professionals to study ways and to look for to understand the problems in the schools, unhappyly are not apt to diminish this criterion of marginality.

The learning not yet to be so significant for these classrooms evidencing a pertaining to school education for all the social formation of the individual, therefore is basic for the growth of a clarified society more, disrespecting this social division, has seen that it is through the education and knowledge that has possibilities to diminish this alarming picture of crime. THEORY – the theory CRITICIZES not – does not criticize inda is reflected is reflected of the traditional school, where the education is simply the act to repeat and to copy the ones that the professors automatically it searched to inform, did not appear space for questioning, only space to copy information. In the book the author detaches ‘ ‘ theories not – criticas’ ‘ of the education among others in which it will not be argued in this article, giving emphasis to this theory is clearly that (Saviani. 1981. p: 3), are happy in its rank when if it relates to the Constitution, therefore from the moment that the proper Constitution guarantees that the education is a right of all and is to have of the all State to make to fulfill it to independent of its social classroom, where never the education can be applied as privilege stops all, as associated marginality not being to the ignorance.

Literature Illustrations

The two types are defective: the first one, because it is an element to the part of the written workmanship; as, because nothing the fancy of the proper child leaves in charge of. (Wedge, 2000, P. 75) It is important that inside of these productions infanto-youthful it has a consensus, therefore many believe that the illustrations in excess are favorable to the development of the child, however are necessary that they correspond of some form with that she is represented with words inside of the text. Others believe that the exageros of illustrations finish for blocking the imagination of the reader, since it finds in them all the representation of history for it deals. The quarrel still is great regarding illustrations, but not yet a conclusion is had of as and which the amount of illustrations must occupy infanto-youthful the literary text, however already knows that its paper is very important inside of this type of production.

Other important characteristics inside of Youthful Infanto- Literature still exist, but that they vary the sort in accordance with, as the infantile narratives that possess main characteristic the dramatismo, the movement inside of history, dynamism, as Lobato Hunter standes out ' ' the narratives need to run the gallop, without none effect literrio' '. The poetry with its affective and romantic language, where the author if approaches to the spirit of the child to produce its poetries, catching, thus, the infantile soul. The theater with its dramatical action, conflicts, the outcome of tension and its possibilities of living some personages. The folclricas legends with the recognition of the culture of the reader, having as characteristic the abrangncia and the diversification, using the popular language. At last, Infanto-Youthful Literature possesss innumerable characteristics that an important element of development of the reader becomes it, and with the had valuation of each possibility offered for it, an effective instrument of knowledge production can be considered it.