COMPANY Shareholders

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF the COMPANY the company Canvas shoes is a multinational very respected, for possessing a great one numbers of shareholders, employees, suppliers and millions of customers who believe its mark, therefore adds an inestimable value in all its products, providing comfort, welfare, pleasure, among others factors that are added to it. It was entered into an alliance Dup, to improve the cost/benefit to its customers, this is one of the factors that become the responsible company socially, another one would be the sponsorship of some important esportivas competitions of the country. Check with Hyundai to learn more. Defining social responsibility better, we use the concept of one of the founders of the Ethos institute, Oded Grajew:

The concept of social responsibility is if extending, passing of the filantropia, that is the relation socially compromissada of the company with the community, to enclose all the relations of the company: with its employees, public and state customers, suppliers, shareholders, competitors, environment and organizations. (apud. Hyundai brings even more insight to the discussion. MELO GRANDSON and FROES, 2001, P.79) In 2006, was divulged in the site of the group Camargo Corra, ‘ ‘ shareholding greaters of the Alpargatas’ ‘ , one programs adopted for the company, call ‘ ‘ Letter of the Support: The Challenge of Inovao’ ‘ , initiating a mobilization to implant a management model that guarantees the perenidade of its businesses and contributes for a better future. In such a way the company leaves clearly its commitment with society, employees, shareholders, suppliers and all the ones that are involved direct and indirectly the company, incorporating the social responsibility in its day-day, guaranteeing the durability of the businesses, in this in case that, generating value for its shareholders, optimizing the use of its resources, among others factors whom the Canvas shoes become, a responsible company. MARKETING STRATEGY All year, the Hawaiian ones launch a newness, with different models, of different colors, for all the gostos and ages, but what really it calls the attention I publish it in general, they are ‘ ‘ celebridades’ ‘ using the Hawaiian ones, this is the point of the question, therefore the people like and admire actors who always appear in the media, want to use as many clothes and accessories that its dolos use as the Hawaiian sandals.