Tag: vocational

Frauke Schulte

However, not too much understanding should be expected in this case. There is also the risk of being tagged and that can inhibit affect the career. Monika Schmidt took advantage of the offer at an also highly sensitive therapist. She learned to turn and control their perception. It since not more than so painfully perceives noise. Old blocks from childhood could be solved systematically. You feel joy and satisfaction in their work.

Are you highly sensitive? What strategies do you use in the workplace? Is your colleague highly sensitive? What are your experiences with him in the professional life? Frauke Schulte, 6.10.13 (the gender-neutral form was used for better readability. The article refers of course to women and men.) About Frauke Schulte Schulte-coaching-Frauke Schulte, your key”and the expert for employee motivation and performance improvement in care for the elderly, as well as in social and educational fields. Many years experience in the adult education and as an Executive. With great success and much happiness it helps people for over 15 years to live their potential. Their offerings are coaching and training.

Contact: Schulte-coaching, Frauke Schulte, Naumburg str. 4, 28832 Achim, Tel. + 49-4202-500085 literature/information: Aron, Elaine N.: you are highly sensitive? Munich 2013 Hensel, Ulrike: with a lot Sensitivity. High sensitivity understand and appreciate. Luling, Christa and Dirk: loads carrying the unrecognized message. Highly sensitive people than emotional porters; Ludenscheid 2010 Parlow, Georg: delicate sensitive. Self-image, self-esteem and self-help for highly sensitive people; As 2003 Pfeifer, Samuel: The sensitive man. Life between talent and vulnerability; Holzgerlingen 2012 Schorr, Brigitte: high sensitivity. Sensitivity live and understand; Holzgerlingen 2011 Sellin, Rolf: If the skin is too thin. High sensitivity of the shortcoming to the plus. Munich 2011 information and research composite HS e.V., Bochum;

Rector Of The SRH Visited The Agency For Work Hamm

“Employment agency is an important partner of the SRH” on Friday (03.01.2014) followed by Prof. Dr. Joachim Opitz of an invitation of the head of the Agency for work Hamm, Harald Kust. He had come with great interest, said upon greeting Prof. Dr. Opitz: “The employment agency is an important partner of the SRH in securing skilled workers in the region.” Prof.

Dr. Opitz showed special interest in the online job market and the diverse Internet site of the Agency. “We are pleased especially pleased, that not only the willingness, but also the infrastructure is, so that we can provide our hammer available to students abroad”, so Opitz. Harald Kust: “We continuously expand our online offerings. In addition to the job board is an exclusive offer that is still too little known offer the vocational information center. the new E-learning” In addition to the use of the E-learning offer the conversation partners intend that the staff of the vocational information center academic Education and the range of courses of the SRH carry College to the visitors of the BIZ and convey.

“Prof. Dr. Heinz Joachim Opitz: we believe a well prepared transition and a study as a critical requirement for the academic and professional success.” Harald Kust, head of the Agency for work Hamm, sees great potential in the regional networking of universities, the economic development and the employment agency to promote the skills and talents of young people in the District of Unna and Hamm. We must combine the competences of the Agency, the bis and the universities in the region and the transition processes more effective.” Other agreements involve for example the use of the online job market for college interns and employers, providing information material to study, information events for students, individual consultations, the joint care of business contacts, a continuous information and exchange of experience between colleagues and Colleagues of the SRH and academic consulting specialists of agency Hamm.