Frauke Schulte

However, not too much understanding should be expected in this case. There is also the risk of being tagged and that can inhibit affect the career. Monika Schmidt took advantage of the offer at an also highly sensitive therapist. She learned to turn and control their perception. It since not more than so painfully perceives noise. Old blocks from childhood could be solved systematically. You feel joy and satisfaction in their work.

Are you highly sensitive? What strategies do you use in the workplace? Is your colleague highly sensitive? What are your experiences with him in the professional life? Frauke Schulte, 6.10.13 (the gender-neutral form was used for better readability. The article refers of course to women and men.) About Frauke Schulte Schulte-coaching-Frauke Schulte, your key”and the expert for employee motivation and performance improvement in care for the elderly, as well as in social and educational fields. Many years experience in the adult education and as an Executive. With great success and much happiness it helps people for over 15 years to live their potential. Their offerings are coaching and training.

Contact: Schulte-coaching, Frauke Schulte, Naumburg str. 4, 28832 Achim, Tel. + 49-4202-500085 literature/information: Aron, Elaine N.: you are highly sensitive? Munich 2013 Hensel, Ulrike: with a lot Sensitivity. High sensitivity understand and appreciate. Luling, Christa and Dirk: loads carrying the unrecognized message. Highly sensitive people than emotional porters; Ludenscheid 2010 Parlow, Georg: delicate sensitive. Self-image, self-esteem and self-help for highly sensitive people; As 2003 Pfeifer, Samuel: The sensitive man. Life between talent and vulnerability; Holzgerlingen 2012 Schorr, Brigitte: high sensitivity. Sensitivity live and understand; Holzgerlingen 2011 Sellin, Rolf: If the skin is too thin. High sensitivity of the shortcoming to the plus. Munich 2011 information and research composite HS e.V., Bochum;