Tag: kulinariya

New Years Table Preparation

So, soon the new year! Passed another milestone, and a new countdown. In this celebration, we are surrounded by only close friends, and indulge their wants most tasty. In general, the soul needs a holiday, and body a good meal! Of course, New Year's table is not cheap, but after all this holiday happens only once a year, so that none of us do not skimp on it. For such a big feast, and prepare to be carefully. To begin to determine what you want to cook, make a grocery list, buy all the necessary and even desirable to find a helper in the kitchen. With the purchase of products and an assistant, you certainly have to understand themselves, but with Christmas recipes dishes, we'll help you.

Salads: Cabarete, separated by 6.5 partitions, lay a variety of salads: 1) tomatoes, sliced and sprinkled with herbs. 2) grated carrot, seasoned with lemon juice, vegetable oil, salt and black pepper. 3) Boiled potatoes with onions, vegetable oil, vinegar (or lemon juice), salt and black pepper. If you add a little mustard, lettuce is very spicy. 4) grated radish or celery with vegetable oil and crushed walnuts. 5) grated, boiled beets and mayonnaise, walnuts and garlic.

You can decorate the middle of the rosettes of fresh tomato. Eggs in Russian. Cook hard-boiled eggs 8. Clean, cut the top and carefully remove yolks. Thick mayonnaise 2 egg yolks, a pinch of salt and a little mustard, whipped with 1 / 3 cup vegetable oil.