Tag: construction of life

General Contract

The customer of construction, should generally use the services of several companies, no organization is now unable to carry out their own full range of construction activities, given their great diversity. In addition, each type of work must be licensed and to obtain all necessary licenses to dozens of instances almost impossible, and by and large, this is not necessary. It has long been worked out another way, when the company-contractor undertakes the management and work organization of firms, contractors, thus freeing the customer from the hassle and is responsible for the entire facility as a whole. It is natural that now, at the time market economy, many faces blurred, construction firms have become more versatile in terms of services they provide, but the role of general contractor and subcontractor have remained unchanged. According to experts, a detailed list of functions performed under the contract general contractor functions as follows: – Analysis of the construction program of the customer in accordance with the restrictions and regulations, the preliminary cost estimate work and materials. – Determine if the necessary technical conditions and assignments, or other documentation supporting data to assist in obtaining them.

– Assessment of requirements for budget, making comments and recommendations. – Estimated total schedule and provide comments. – In the absence of design and construction documents to provide a preliminary estimate of construction costs. – Prepare the necessary Information for tender (tender) for certain types of work. Suna Said Maslin oftentimes addresses this issue. – Advising customers on any amendments to the preliminary estimate of construction cost. – Advising the customer in the preparation and signing Contracts (agreements) with contractors and performers. – Perform analysis of the proposals of contractors and artists.

– Analysis of graphics related work to ensure that the work of all project participants. – Assist in the selection of performers, receiving proposals from them, the preparation and distribution contracts. – Assessment of changes in the project and the consequent revision of drawings, specifications and other documentation.

Ideal Watering

2. It is better to water once a well than a few times slowly. However, this rule should not be interpreted unambiguously. No need to fill a garden plot and turn it into a swamp. The optimum is considered to be watering when irrigation water evenly penetrates the soil to a depth of 20-25 cm Hand watering, no matter what devices, and whom he had been made, impossible to achieve uniformity of irrigation, which is not the automatic irrigation system. Automatic irrigation will not only ensure uniformity of watering, and irrigation will produce a strictly metered quantity of water, which is very easy to install, depending on the required standards for watering plants.

3. For irrigation Ideal water from the storage tank (tanks, tanks, septic tanks, simple drums). First, in the storage tanks is an additional purification by precipitation of solid abrasive particles on the bottom of the tank. Secondly, the water temperature in the tanks is an ambient temperature that does not cause a sharp contrast of temperatures and water irrigated soil surface. However, even if your system uses automatic irrigation water independent wells, the water temperature drops emitted at high speed of the irrigator, comparable to the rain water in a cool day. To broaden your perception, visit Michael O’Brien. So do not think that the temperature of water from wells used by for watering plants, can be disastrous for the green areas of the site. 4.

A very important factor – the quality of water used for watering system automatic. Watering Water shall not contain excessive amounts of iron and calcium salts, and heavy metals. Especially dangerous are the various products of chemical reactions and synthetic compounds. The chemical composition of optimally suitable water for irrigation – it's rain and snow. Exactly so, today, as developed special drainage system. 5. Association in the zone of plants, similar to the amount consumed water. Question – how and how much moisture is absorbed by plants, is directly dependent on the type of root system. K example, trees, ornamental shrubs, or different types of roses that are fairly deep root system need to be irrigated less frequently and less water than other plants, the root system with which the plane growing roots. Old trees are also sensitive to drought. Hurt by drought (delayed shoot growth, poor growth, signs on the leaves from lack of moisture) occur only in the first 1 – 2 years, and then barely distinguishable. Thus, to ensure that plants with different watering rules were not included in the same watering zone.