
In Spanish law there are two kinds of wills, the common and special. Special wills are military wills, the Maritimes and those performed in a foreign country, while the common ones include the open Testament, the cerrado and the Holograph. Precisely on the latter relates this article, although before we dive in, we will give a few brief strokes on the other two common wills, leaving aside the special. The most common Testament is the open Testament, since it is the simplest and just requires the presence of a notary public stating the will of the testator in a public document. It can be reached in certain cases require the presence of witnesses, or by the circumstances of your own Tester (for example, if you are unsure or you cannot sign the Testament), either by expressly require it the testator or the own notary. As we say, because of its simplicity, it is the most common form of test in Spain.

For its part, the closed Testament can well be written entirely of fist and letter by the testator, in which case your signature at the end of the document is accurate well having been drafted by any mechanical means or by a third party at the request of the testator, and the latter must sign at the foot of all pages in the document. The Testament must be inserted into a closed and sealed cover that does not allow its removal without breaking the seal. With this sealed cover should attend to the notary who has to authorize the Testament, declaring that his last will is located inside and if it is written in his own handwriting or testator mechanical means or a third party has served to its drafting, and must also perform the corresponding reference to his signature manifestation, or in the last one, well at the foot of all pages.