4th post-reform GmbH about the inheritance tax reform until the GmbH-Managing Director-day becomes the watertight agreement pension obligations this year participants with important information and recommendations related to the successful management of a limited liability company provide Edition of the GmbH-Managing Director-a day in Bonn by increased liability risks for business leaders. The event will take place this year at the Stadthalle Bad Godesberg. “Dr. Hagen Pruhs, Managing Director of the VSRW Publishing House and editor-in-Chief of gmbhchef Magazine: we wanted a conveniently situated, attractive location with a direct connection from Lecture Hall and exhibition premises.” The latter is important because this year in addition to interesting lectures, an accompanying exhibition awaits the participants. Up to 30 companies from the region inform many of them about their products and services with a direct link to the seminar topics. This year, there will be a 35 minutes eight lectures.
Around the Legal form GmbH”ranking is a wealth of interesting decisions and new laws. Therefore we have increased the number of presentations from six to eight”, so Dr. Pruhs. So the complex is new liability GmbH Managing Director and Partner GmbH-reform”on the program. It will deal with, for example, to the liability in the crisis, also existence devastating intervention of a shareholder and the extension of the prohibition of payment in the crisis of the society. “” Further lecture topics are pension plans on Managing Director “and the succession in the GmbH”.
Again and again exciting the topic the GmbH in the audit which need to be as Managing Director”. “On the pulse of the time, the organizers of the 4th GmbH Managing Director tag are likely to also with the issue of financial crisis: credit crunch for the middle class?” be. An expert of the Sparkasse KolnBonn should here speak plain text. “Keyword expert”: where it is not again GmbH-Managing Director-day 4 shortage. The eight, keep high-profile speakers of including the tax consulting and auditing firm DHPG Bonn, as well as from the law firm Meyer Koring be from 9: 00 each 35-minute presentations. From 16: 00, the visitors then have opportunity for the networking of all alone with a glass of beer or wine. This time there will be again sponsored by companies in the region, an exciting raffle with high-quality earnings, which will be selected early evening. Interested parties can register online Managing Director day under as a conference or trade fair participants.