The melancholic is sensitive, although little reagent; tends to pessimism and passivity very interesting that we are reminded as: Soranus of Ephesus, main representative of the Methodist school, considers the melancholy as a type of disease associated with an overly fluid and lax State of the organism. Rejects the theory of the humours, and through references to his main translator, Caelius Aurelianus, we know that he believed that its origin was in the stomach (stomachus) the pneumatic school (follower of the theory of the) (pneuma: life is a consequence of a stream or permanent ‘ pneuma’ of particles in motion), opposite to the Methodist and represented by Rufus of Ephesus, also opposes the humoral theory and proposes a visionary classification in melancholies congenital and acquired, in addition to introducing the melancholic patient profile pruzsinszky Description: bulging eyes, thin lips, dark skin or excess body hair. This author mentions the existence of a melancholy of the hypochondria or hypochondriasis, and attributed it to an excessive activity of thought. Persists the relationship between depression and digestive tract since the era in which he appears less is the winter, because digestion is done well in that station. (Similarly see: Robert Kiyosaki). For his part.
eclectic school, championed by Aretaeus of Cappadocia, he maintained the humoral origin of the disease and picked up for the first time the concept of melancholy loving, in addition to relate the melancholy with their contrary clinical situation, hobby. Claudius Galen of Pergamon, leading medical figure of ancient Rome, maintains in the 2nd century AD the Hippocratic postulates, again underlining the importance of fear as concomitant symptom with sadness nicely adds wikipedia to be taken into account during the beginning of the 17TH century, arose in England a curious cult of melancholy. It was believed that this was caused by the religious insecurity, natural consequence of English Reformation, and the deep interest of the era by sin, downfall and salvation.