
However, this measure was not enough to cure social estadesigualdade, and with the population growth since then, situaose aggravates each time more. Although the right to the housing to be guaranteed nConstituio of the Country, due to low governmental efficiency to finish with> MST, in which its integrant ones protest invading abandoning public building, deducting, in such a way, the chance of better fulfilment of the serviosprestados ones for the entespblicos, in view of that in related local to poderiamestar people duly qualified to become dynamic more relaoentre the population and the governmental bodies. Although to have one old popular outcry on the problem dafalta of housings and the Brazilian legal system to allow that sejampositivados statutes with intention to facilitate the acquisition and, also, aliquidao of the financings of the proper house for the population of low> income, the cases of borrowers are diverse who are disabled to honor deriving osdbitos of these financings, exactly that if deals with habitations worthy semcondies of housing. This study it has for purpose to analyze possveisarmadilhas that they meet inlaid less in imobiliriooferecidos contracts of financing to the classrooms favored financially. Such traps mainly to sereferem to the concepts technician of the financial mathematics, quesempre are inserted in way not very clear in contracts them operaesentre the credit institutions and the borrowers, what he finishes creating umagrande difficulty it borrower to understand the oscillation in the value of the monthly suasprestaes in elapsing of the signed contract, as well as in relation aoseu debt balance in the final phases of the contract. The clarification of these traps is of interest of grandeparte of the society, therefore innumerable they are the families who pay aluguelmensalmente, as well as that already are liveing in property Yahoo! Babel Fish – Text Translation and Web Page Translation

Price Table, vistoque diverse authors defends the inverse one.